Unusually, the first lady makes a mistake

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama did a disservice to U.S. credibility among Iranians and other global publics who may have disliked the Hollywood film, "Argo." For example, see  http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/02/angry-iranian-reaction-argo-best-picture-oscar-win.html .

Celebvocacy is one thing, but putting Mrs. Obama, already dressed in an evening gown to attend the WH dinner for the nation's governors occurring at the same time the Oscars award ceremony on the 24th, up to the task of awarding the best picture award to "Argo" only jammed another wedge between the U.S. and the Iranian people. The White House's endorsement of the film's message of American triumphalism was not a gesture that will endear  more Iranians to the U.S. Was one of the decision factors at the WH that big Hollywood donors will be more endeared to the Democratic party?

As the Al-Monitor news story observes, the Iranian government -- and people -- now have more evidence that the American media holds great sway in the WH and probably not such good taste, either. From my living room couch, watching "Argo" instead of the Oscars, the film seemed merely okay. Good piece of filmmaking, but lacking in character development (except for that of Tony Menendez). It also oversimplifies American culture and insulted the CIA and other personnel portrayed in the film as drinking, smoking, swearing, and subservient.